Start Your Rhode Island DMV Practice Test Prep Now
About Rhode Island Written Test
Are you getting ready for Rhode Island DMV Practice test. Even though Little Rhode is the smallest state, you shouldn’t cross it on foot. Additionally, you might feel like walking straight into the Atlantic if your Rhode Island driver’s test is a failure. But by taking our DMV diagnostic test, which consists of 15 questions, you can be better prepared to pass. By chance, the 15 questions on this practice test that most Rhode Islanders struggle with on the real exam are included. With our instant feedback. You can identify which questions might be challenging for you and determine whether there are any areas where you need to improve your knowledge of Rhode Island’s roads. Examine our additional practice test questions based on the Rhode Island driver’s manual after that.
Some More Information:
In Rhode Island, a driver license or learner’s permit is required for anyone operating a car or motorcycle on a public road. The Rhode Island DMV written test includes questions on traffic laws, safe driving techniques, road signs, and the recognition of signals and pavement markings. It is based on the contents of the Rhode Island Driver’s Handbook. You must get at least 20 of the 25 questions on the RI DMV written knowledge test. Right in order to pass (80% or higher). To prepare for the real Rhode Island driver’s license test, use this sample DMV test and read the manual.

40 28 70% 16
Questions Correct Answers Passing % Min Age to apply