Welcome in Arkansas Quiz 0 Practice Test 03 (15 Questions) 1 / 15 If you are under age 21, and are convicted of carrying a false id card, you will be required to pay a $500 fine and your license will be suspended for 90 days. Only if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .02% or higher Even if you were not driving Only if you were driving at the time of arrest Only if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is .02% or higher and you were driving at the time of arrest 2 / 15 Parental consent to conduct breath, blood, and urine tests is: Not required Required from only one parent Required for people under 16 years old Required from both parents 3 / 15 The zero tolerance law reduced the blood alcohol content (bac) from .08% to ____ for drivers under 21 to be charged with driving under the influence. 0.02 Percent 0.05 Percent 0.07 Percent 0 Percent 4 / 15 If you are under age 21 and are convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, you will receive a ____ license suspension for a first offense 60-Day 30-Day 6-Month 1-Year 5 / 15 If you are involved in a crash, you must: Take the person to the nearest hospital. Continue home and file a crash report. Stop, help any injured, report the crash to the police, exchange information and notify your insurance company Check your car for damages 6 / 15 If a police officer requires you to take a blood, breath, or urine test, you: May choose the test you prefer Must sign a consent form May refuse if underage Must take the test, or your license will be suspended 7 / 15 It is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 to ____ alcohol. Wear clothing advertising Serve Consume Be in the presence of 8 / 15 if under 21 years of age you are considered to be driving while under the influence if your blood alcohol level is: .08% or higher .10% or higher .05% or higher .02% or higher 9 / 15 If you are stopped by a police officer, you should: Unbuckle your seat belt and lower your window Get your paperwork ready before the officer reaches your car Stay in your vehicle with your hands on the steering wheel, and wait for the officer to approach you Get out of your car and walk toward the patrol car 10 / 15 If you are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and you refuse to take the blood test, you will recieve a: Drug counseling treatmen Sentence of one day in jail Driver`s License Suspension $300.00 fine 11 / 15 People under 16 years of age who use a false identification card to buy alcohol will: Receive a driving suspension that starts on their 16th birthday Not be able to take the driver`s exam until their 21st birthday Receive a driving suspension that starts on their 21st birthday Be sent to an alcohol safety education class 12 / 15 If a person under 21 years old consumes alcohol, but is not driving a motor vehicle, the penalty for a first offense is: A 90-day driver license suspension and up to a $500 fine A 6-month probation Sentence to a corrections institution Points on the driving record 13 / 15 One of the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol is a(n): 5-year driver`s license suspension $100.00 fine Attendance to Alcohol Highway Safety School 12-hour sentence in jail 14 / 15 It is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 to ____ alcohol Serve Wear clothing advertising Be in the presence of Transport 15 / 15 For a first conviction for driving under the influence at any blood alcohol concentration level, you could: Lose your license for up to 5 years Be required to conduct a public education class on the dangers of drunk driving Be required to drive with a restricted occupational license Pay a fine of at least $300 Your score is The average score is 0% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz